consciously human

consciously human

We are remembering what it means to be consciously human.. becoming aware and present, consciousness has been steadily rising on this planet and it is calling in “a new earth” ~ the reflection of humanity’s shift in consciousness into the multidimensional nature of reality will reveal the Heaven that has always existed here… somehow, humanity could just not see it yet…

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You Are the Medicine

You Are the Medicine

humanity is awakening and consciousness is shifting. we have always been free and this realization creates a radical shift in consciousness if we are willing to take responsibility and grow.

as we move into a new part of the galaxy, we are returning to a time simultaneously familiar and new… the effects of this are palpable and are pushing each of us individually to evolve.. wisdom teachings say we have been here before - another great yuga through which we yoga, finding new centre and balance at a higher vibrational level than before... these are "ascension energies" and they aren’t always comfortable for we are moving beyond the known and discovering that we are, and always have been, on the initiatic path of cosmic evolution…

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Signs of Expansion

Signs of Expansion

As we expand our consciousness into higher states of awareness and realization, the world as we know it is literally bound by universal law to come to reflect that change. To embody our True Nature and its resonant higher frequencies, our bodies, as well as our minds, need to create the space to receive it. Essentially, the physical needs to “catch up” to the energy of our expanding consciousness. This is a process and journey of self-awareness and realization. The more we are able to recognize the signs, the less likely we are to be dragged down by them or think something is wrong with us.

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ascension symptoms

ascension symptoms

Humanity is at the frontlines and we are the “ground crew” working to anchor in the 5th dimensional frequencies of unconditional love, harmony, peace and respect for all life here on planet Earth ~ Gaia, who is herself a cosmic being, a soul, a guide and an example of 5th dimensional consciousness which is unconditional love... always giving and never asking for anything in return but love... her physical state reflects humanity's collective consciousness... as we rise and expand in our individual awareness of who we are, we will come to witness the most miraculous and wondrous healing of the Earth for She is holding this vibration for us to realize and remember our divine purpose for being here now.

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