The Thousand Petaled Lotus…

The seventh chakra is known as Sahasrara, the thousand petaled lotus, also known as the Crown Chakra. Sahasrara symbolizes infinity and is the doorway to the Divine, the Seat of Divine Awareness & Self-Realization.

Sahasrara is associated with enlightenment, Unity consciousness, Spiritual clarity and connection to Source, Truth, Consciousness & Bliss. When balanced, open and harmonized in alignment with the being, Sahasrara is Truth attained through Self.

Sahasrara is beyond the elements and therefore, does not have element associated with it. It is colourless and universal.


Sahasrara is connected to the Universal; therefore, it is not associated with one planet in particular, but rather the unity of all ~ within and without.

The Crown is the connection to Atman, Soul, Source ~ UNITY with the ALL THAT IS.


Silently chanting the Sacred seed sound, Bija Mantra of “OM” in repetition for 5-20 minutes at a time. Generally we will chant a bija sound long and slow, deeply extending the “M” in a low voice, but when we reach Sahasrara, the mantra is chanted internally. It is subtle, but powerful and potent. Keep your eyes closed and focused inwardly gently up toward the third eye as you practice.

The Ishta for Sahasrara is ALL ~ the Absolute, the formless and shapeless.

Chant or hum the sounds of AUM / Om to heal and align the vibratory resonance of your Sahasrara and being.

PRANA ~ flows to the astral plane


  • Pranayama ~ Breath of Light, Prana-Apana, Cosmic Breath sets, and deep, conscious breathing

  • Kriya ~ Chakra Mudra series, Sat Chit Ananda Kriya

  • Meditation


There are many insights to be gathered from your Vedic birth chart analysis. In every reading we looking into your physical, astral, energetic, karmic, dharmic and eternal soul self. The first step is becoming aware of what needs attention and then we become empowered with knowledge and awareness to do the work.

These practices require a certain maturity and readiness to take responsibility for one’s state of consciousness, but when sincerely practiced with an open mind and devoted heart, can dramatically and quickly improve one’s life.

This is just one of many examples that illustrates the kinds of insights we receive into one’s self with the Science and Light of Jyotish. The true depth of insight available is very challenging to express in words, as with all yogic teachings, Jyotish must be experienced to be realized and understood.

I wish you deep and profound healing. Coming to know one’s chakra system and taking the steps to heal them is an empowering and enlivening process. Many other ailments and physical, mental and emotional challenges can heal along the way, bringing tremendous joy and insight into oneself. Many latent gifts and talents are waiting to be activated and realized by the self in form. Chakra healing can enliven many of these gifts, bringing transformation and evolution to one’s soul journey.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Hari Om Tat Sat





Aligning our Chakras